Mujigae Resto : Bibimbap and Casual Korean Food – Review


The popularity of South Korean has really outstanding in Indonesia. From K-Drama, K-Pop, K-Beauty, and of course K-Food. Lots of  restaurant with Korean Food scattered everywhere, one of which is Mujigae Resto. Not just the foods,  interior inside the room makes us feel like being in Korea.

“Annyeonghasemikaa …” and bowing, that is a greeting that we will get from the waiter when we just come into Mujigae Resto. Although Korean Restaurant, for moslem customer no need to worry because All the Foods of Mujigae has got Halal Sertification from MUI (Indonesian Council of Ulama). Read More »

Midnight Runners [2017] – Review

midnight runners

Starring : Park See Joon, Kang Ha Neul

Directed : Kim Joo-Hwan

Production : Lotte Entertaiment

Runtime : 109 Minutes

The Movie from writer-director Kim Joo-Hwan was being one of the box office movie in Korea. This movie told the story about 2 new recruits at the police academy who have different personality. Park Gi-Joon(Park Seo-Joon) is someone who brave, spontaneous and dynamic. While Kang Hee-Yeol(Kang Ha-Neul) is bookworm, smart, clumsy, and well-planned.

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1.3 Pengantar Animasi dan Desain Grafis (Softskill)



Storyboard merupakan sebuah naskah yang disajikan dalam bentuk sketsa gambar yang disusun urut berdasarkan susunan naskah cerita yang ada. Storyboard ini berfungsi saat pengarang cerita ingin menyampaikan idenya kepada orang lain, sehingga orang lain dapat lebih mudah membayangkan suatu cerita sesuai  dengan gambar yang disajikan dalam storyboard. Selain itu bermanfaat juga untuk membuat alur cerita ataupun dalam proses pengambilan gambar.

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